Monday, August 2, 2010

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight


I think what makes this story so interesting is the whole mystery behind the Green Knight. The mystery keeps you reading so you can find out who the Green Knight really is. The quest that Sir Gawain goes on to find the Green Knight leads you to think he is searching for the Green Knight so he can keep his end of the deal of letting the Green Knight chop his head off. Sir Gawain is really being tested on his faith and honesty. He failed this test when he lied about getting the girdle from the Green Knight's wife. This makes you wonder if Sir Gawain would have been honest when the Green Knight came back from hunting and told the Green Knight about getting the girdle from his wife would the story have ended differently? Sir Gawain was ashamed and wore the girdle to remind himself of the lie he told.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was written during the Crusades where a knight was expected to have strong Christian morals. Knights were expected to have a strong attachment to the military and put their faith in God. Knights also had a strong loyalty to their kings and this was shown when Sir Gawain took the deal from the Green Knight instead of letting King Arthur do it.

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