John Donne
John Donne was born in London, England on January 1572. He was born into a Roman Catholic family at a time when that religion was illegal in England. John Donne was an English poet, preacher, and one of the first metaphysical poets of his period. His poems were known for their realistic and sensual style. His works, included sonnets, love poetry, religious poems, elegies, songs and sermons.
"The Flea"
"The Flea"
The man in this poem is trying to tell the woman he is with the flea that has bitten both of them now has both of their blood inside of it. He tries to tell her that they are as one inside the flea since both of their blood is in it. He tells her the flea has joined them together like they are married. When the woman tries to kill the flea he tells her not to that she would be killing what they have. I think this poem tells a story of a man's desperate attempt to get the woman he is with to sleep with him. He is going at any length to accomplish what he wants and I don't think the woman is buying any of what he is saying.
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